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Assistant Director of Fundraising
International School CP


The first time that I met Sarah was, I would describe, unconventional. I went to a friend’s house for a Superbowl XLIX viewing party, and it was there that I first came face-to-face with Sarah Huang. After hearty conversation, we discovered many commonalities, and I was awestruck with her friendly and warm demeanor. Even though the Seahawks lost, I knew that I would walk away with a true friend.


Fast forward nine months, and I once again saw that familiar face, this time at Fall State 2015. We did a bit of catch-up, and proceeded along with the convention. There, I was once again awestruck with Sarah’s confidence, passion, and vigor.


Since we first met three years ago, I am extremely happy to say that our friendship has only grown and grown. We both joined Cabinet in the second half of sophomore year, and what I saw out of Sarah, even as a staff photographer, was another attribute added to the growing adjectives I have for her: poise. Sarah worked in an efficient, timely, and devoted manner, and it’s been so amazing to watch her grow into the wonderful stateswoman she is today.


But what made Sarah stand out to me even more was her wealth of experience that she would bring should she be elected lieutenant governor. She serves as Skyline’s chapter president. She leads the Production Department. She is the only LTG candidate to have gone through and graduated from Montezuma. And she most recently served as President of the Senate of Winter Congress, compiling spreadsheet after complicated spreadsheet to ensure that the convention would run without a hitch. And this is merely the beginning.


Sarah’s vision for a more dynamic, more inclusive JSA makes me hopeful that under her leadership, the Pacific Northwest will only grow stronger. I’ve met no one as passionate and as experience as her for this position. Sarah is hard-working. Sarah is focused. Sarah is respectful. Sarah is confident.


Most important, Sarah is social and relatable. I am so happy to consider Sarah a close friend, and I am sure that in the next few weeks, both her platform and her jovial spirit will earn your vote as well. I am elated to be announcing my endorsement for Sarah Huang to serve as the next Pacific Northwest JSA Lieutenant Governor. With Sarah, the sky’s the limit.

Phillip Wang: Team Members
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